Funny Field Notes From Africa

Field Notes From Tanzania:
1. If you give a 6 year old Tanzanian kid your camera to play with, they will delete all your photos.
2. The posted speed limit is 80. Your driver, aka Ferrari, always drives 130.
3. Potholes the size of small elephants are no cause to slow down.
4. You can pee at the side of the road and look at giraffes at the same time.
5. Going on a trip where you are not allowed to drink is a terrible idea.
6. Baboons are very angry creatures that will try and get into your car and take your camera if you slow down.
7. If you forget to close your room door ferrel cats will have a full on party when you are not there.
8. Coke is gross, but yet cheaper and more available than water.
9. Going on a trip where you are not allowed to drink is a terrible idea.
10. My students have renamed me "Daria on the party bus".