Weekly Round Up: Best Time Wasters of the Week.
I didn't write an original blog post this week,
but I watched and read a lot of shit Online.
Does that count?
Here is my round up of stuff I wish I came up with:
Made Me Laugh:
25 Flawless responses to wrong number texts.
I peed a little and this inspires me to get a smartphone.
Some of these pics sum up my early 20's.
Made Me Think:
13 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid.
Got Kids?
This 13 year old no-school kid does an amazing Ted talk on
God, I wish I'd given birth to this kid.
For Writers:
There is some stuff you are simply not allowed to write.
Video of the week:
Nuf said.
Book of the Week:
Oh, and say, you wanted to feed your brain, instead of wreck it,
just read, loved and recommend